Padel racket sportspeler

Find Players and Matches

With the app, you can easily find padel players, substitutes, or matches to join!

  • Your level
  • Your day and time
  • At your favorite clubs
Sportspeler padel

How it Works

Download the app
Looking for substitutes or want to play padel more often? Download the app!
Find players or matches
Through the app, you can find matches and players at your level and at your favorite clubs.
Complete the match
Share your match if there are available spots, or join others.
Meet on the court
Meet fellow players and play padel more often!
Phone mockup

The Benefits

Want to play padel more often? No problem!

Find players or substitutes
Indicate where and when you’re looking for fellow players and reach padel players at your level.
Find matches
Filter by level, day, time, and instantly see all matches at your preferred locations.
Personalized notifications (coming soon)
Receive notifications only for matches at your level, at your favorite clubs, and at the times you want to play.
Clear overview in the app
All your matches and fellow players neatly organized in the Sportspeler app.
All across the Netherlands
Find all padel locations in the Netherlands. Want to add a location? It’s easy! Learn more…
The app is FREE
Connect with other padel players for free.

Alternative to Padel WhatsApp Group

Why padel WhatsApp groups aren’t ideal for finding fellow players or substitutes. There’s a better alternative: the Sportspeler app.

“I used to get too many unnecessary messages in all the WhatsApp groups, but now I only receive notifications for matches at my level and at the times I want to play.”

Patrick Verwoerd

Find Players and Matches

Easily find fellow players, substitutes, or matches to join!